Brain Size Determines Psychology
How our psychological evolution is necessitated by our physiological evolution; Big Brains = Big Emotions
How our psychological evolution is necessitated by our physiological evolution; Big Brains = Big Emotions
Through family stories and historical records, Dr. Josh Stout discusses how abolitionists orchestrated the daring rescue of Jane Johnson and others, as confrontations between state and federal authorities eerily mirror today's developing constitutional battles.
Low dopamine causes ADHD which is a disability but also a super power. Constantly seeking new stimulation can drive research and innovation, but what happens when a whole society is addicted to dopamine stimulation and we have no attention left to give?
Dopamine mediated desire and reward explains why when dopamine is reduced we increasingly show ADHD symptoms. We combine low motivation with frantic reward seeking due to low dopamine.
The Sumerians were ancient when the pyramids were built. Their religion and culture shaped ours, yet they were forgotten for 3,000 years.
I think right now there is a hill in either Syria or Iraq that has bulldozers digging into a lost civilization from the period of Sumer. So from, you know, the very earliest civilizations on Earth, they are destroying their own heritage right now - and selling it to me.
Ibn Khaldun wrote in the 14th century and spoke about the spiral nature of history. He saw the Mongol invasion do the exact same thing the contemporary rebels just did - move through the same cities in the same order because that's the only way to get to Damascus. And it happened very quickly.
How Balancing Selection keeps our two party system in unstable equilibrium to the benefit of the ultra wealthy 1 percent.
In this episode Dr. Josh Stout discusses theories on why we are experiencing a decline in concentration and memory, and why daily life feels so disconnected from reality. Truth vs “truth” is destroying our minds.
Featuring original works of art by Wendy Bellermann and Dr. Josh Stout
Did that person intend to bump into me? Or were they just daydreaming? Today Dr. Josh Stout discusses the difference between narcissistic and non neurotypical behavior, and how media, society and our very culture misses the point.
Students might not be doomed by AI. I see them becoming “prompt engineers”, structuring their writing with detailed instructions for the AI. Students are now using a multi-step writing process that produces well thought through essays even when fluency is difficult.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
How climate change, genetic bottlenecks, and migration work together to make the Nile the tree of life for our African species.
The Hand Axe was humanity's technology for more than two million years. Today Dr. Josh Stout discusses what these objects were, and why they were so important to our survival and evolution.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
Science can only look at groups - but only individuals exist. Today Dr. Josh stout discusses how we can see the individuals, and why this is vitally important for climate, ecology, biodiversity, medicine, and in our own daily life.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
For the majority of us, the American lifestyle causes physical problems that need medical treatment. Dr. Josh Stout explains how statins and Metformin are used and how to minimize side effects.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
Dr. Josh Stout's personal research on meditation, what science knows and what it doesn't, the mind-body connection and how we can manipulate it, and how and why a meditation practice can reduce stress and improve imagination.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
In today's episode of the mindbodyevolution podcast, Dr. Josh Stout discusses how to maximize bone density early and maintain it throughout life.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
Today Dr. Josh Stout discusses the difference between perception and seeing. What begins as a mechanical process turns philosophical as our brain constantly interprets everything we see.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
Dr. Josh Stout Discusses God, The Devil, Atheist Faith, the Universe, cosmology, spirituality, Truth, lies, race, religion, genetic similarity, music, math, spiritual experience, daimons, faith, and the eclipse.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
Dr. Stout provides an evolutionary explanation of why we want what is bad for us - and avoid what is good for us. Today's episode explores the co-evolution of our microbiome and our hunter-gatherer heritage.
Today Dr. Josh Stout invites Jed Zion to speak with us about the implications of understanding writing as a technology and AI as in coevolution with humanity.
Mind Body Evolution Podcast
In this episode Dr. Josh Stout discusses how human sex is unique in the animal kingdom.
Observable distances (OD) in the universe are bounded by the age of the universe cubed. Distance (D) = OD+(1/13.8bly-OD)^3